Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan

Food Science and Technology


Hasanuddin University

Admissions andentry requirementsEntry requirementsThere are three entry options to this programme: National Selection of State University Entrance (SNMPTN), Joint Entrance Selection of State Universities (SBMPTN), andLocal Selection Entrance.General entry requirement for these three admission types is applicants have completedtheir secondary education (high school) indicated by a high school diploma.Specific entry requirement for each enrolment option

1.National Selection of State University Entrance (SNMPTN)

a.SNMPTN are conducted based on academic achievement tracking by using a reportfrom first to the fifthsemester for threeyears senior high school and academic portfolio.

b.Schools whose students apply by SNMPTN must have a National School Principal Number / Nomor Pokok Sekolah Nasional (NPSN),andstudent’s academic performance is registered Pangkalan Data Sekolah dan Siswa (PDSS) / database of School and Student.

c.Applicant have National Student Identity Number, have superior academic performance, and document in PDSS/ Database of School and Student.

2.Joint Entrance Selection of State Universities (SBMPTN)

a.Graduates of secondary high school in the previoustwo years must have adiploma

b.Graduates of secondary high school in a recentyear must have at least a Certificate of Passed / Surat Keterangan Lulus (SKL) whichat least contains information of student identity, current passport photo, and stamped.

3.Local Selection Entrance (three types)

a.Non-Subsidiary Pathwayi.Registered as participants of SBMPTN.ii.Those who have passed SBMPTN are not allowed to register.iii.Must have enrolled in one of Hasanuddin University’s study programmes.

b.Sport, Art and Science Achievement in Pathway


Information Systems Seminar / Proposal Program study of Food Science and Technology

Files for Final Exam

Please download the file completeness final exam here (Prodi ITP)


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Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea, Jln Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10. Makassar 90245

T +62 (411) 588243
F +62 (411) 431081