Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan

Food Science and Technology


Hasanuddin University


List of Seleceted Research Project


Development of Enzymatic Maltodextrin Production Using Sago Flour.
Application of Technology Innovation for Industrialization Palm Sugar Sinjai.
Palm Sugar Innovation Cluster in Sinjai Regency
Distribution of Polyphenol Oxidase (PPO) from some Cruciferae Vegetables
Extraction of Dry Lutein in Red Spinach as a Functional Food Supplement
Quality Improvement of Langsat Fruit After Harvesting based on Characterization of Polyphenol Oxidase
Optimization Process of Making Gluten-Free Bread Made from Purple Uwi Flour and Rice Flour as a Local Food-Based Functional Food
Optimization of the Process of Modifying Uwi Starch as Local Food-Based Functional Food
Utilization of Malaja Fish as a Material for Making Crackers Judging From Organoleptic Properties and Study of the Efficacy of Malaja Fish Crackers as a Complementary Food for Toddlers in Palopo
Optimalisasi Proses pada Tepung Instan dan Pati Modifikasi Umbi Uwi Sebagai Pangan Funsional bebasis Pangan Lokal
Optimizing the Process of Making Gluten-Free Fresh Bread Made from Purple Uwi Flour and Rice Flour as Local Food-Based Functional Food
Development of Cheap and Environmentally Friendly Zero Energy Cool Chamber (Zecc) to Extend the Life of Fruit and Vegetables after Harvesting (Efforts to Support Food and Energy Security)
Utilization of Local Potatoes of Sweet Potatoes and Pumpkin to minimize the Use of Wheat Flour in Making Various Cakes






Information Systems Seminar / Proposal Program study of Food Science and Technology

Files for Final Exam

Please download the file completeness final exam here (Prodi ITP)


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