Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan

Food Science and Technology


Hasanuddin University

Different from usual, this time the hall of the new building of the Faculty of Agriculture was filled with an international welcome party. Seated neatly from University of Ehime Japan students in the dean building. The Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture was represented by the Deputy Dean III, Noviyanti Eny Dungga said that she was grateful and happy that the arrival of Unhas students and at the same time welcomed Japanese students. This event took place September 13, 2018 in the Hall of the New Building of the Faculty of Agriculture
This activity, the Welcome Party for Ehime University Entourage and thanksgiving for the return of students of 2018 Unhas SUIJI Program Participants from Japan, namely two double agendas. The event took place in the hall of the new building of the Faculty of Agriculture.
The Welcome Party was attended by deputy dean I of the Faculty of Agriculture Dr. Muh Hatta Jamil M Si and Deputy Dean III Dr. Ir Novianty Eny Dungga. MP. Also present were the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Unhas, Prof. Dr. Buddy MEdmed PhD SpM (K) sitting side by side Deputy Dean I and chairman of the study program Agrotechnology Faculty of Agriculture and Chair of the Quality Assurance Group Prof. Dr. Ir Nurarianty Agus Ms.
There were two groups of participants from Ehime University accompanied by two sense teachers. This expedition from Japan will be held in two locations, namely Lakkang and Toraja. Then as many as 21 of these students will return to account for the results of their programs at the Faculty of Agriculture Unhas.
Six University Intiative Japan Indonesia Service Learning Program (SUIJI-SLP) 2018 was warmly welcomed by the dean and chairmen of the Agriculture Faculty study program. "Congratulations on returning to our students who have studied a lot in Japan like their culture. Welcome to the students of Ehime University". Replied WD III when he welcomed, Thursday (9/13).
During the event, one of the Participants of Suiji Unhas explained the profile of Hasanuddin University in front of Japanese students. The end of the event was filled with a documentary screening of Suiji Unhas 2018 participants for 3 weeks in Japan. *


Information Systems Seminar / Proposal Program study of Food Science and Technology

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