Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan

Food Science and Technology


Hasanuddin University

Representative Board of Members of the Hasanuddin University of Technology (DPA TP UH)
Hasanuddin University Agricultural Technology Student Association (HIMATEPA UH).
Members of the KMJ TP UH are those who are registered with the Agricultural Technology Department of the University of Hasanuddin and fulfill the membership requirements. The KMJ TP UH members consist of young members, ordinary members, special members, and extraordinary members.
Each year the KMJ TP UH organization carries out a Member Conference (MUSTA) to determine the management of the DPA TP UH and HIMATEPA UH, and establishes the Articles of Association and Organization GBH.

In addition to the Agricultural Technology Student Association, Students from the Unhas Agricultural Technology Department can also join the Hasanuddin University Student Activity Unit (UKM) to channel their talents in the fields of arts, sports, etc.

"Students from the Department of Agricultural Technology can hone their organizational skills and channel their talents and interests in the student organization of the Agricultural Technology Department, namely HIMATEPA (Agricultural Technology Student Association) and Student Activity Unit (UKM)"


Information Systems Seminar / Proposal Program study of Food Science and Technology

Files for Final Exam

Please download the file completeness final exam here (Prodi ITP)


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Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea, Jln Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10. Makassar 90245

T +62 (411) 588243
F +62 (411) 431081