Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan

Food Science and Technology


Hasanuddin University

Different from usual, this time the hall of the new building of the Faculty of Agriculture was filled with an international welcome party. Seated neatly from University of Ehime Japan students in the dean building. The Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture was represented by the Deputy Dean III, Noviyanti Eny Dungga said that she was grateful and happy that the arrival of Unhas students and at the same time welcomed Japanese students. This event took place September 13, 2018 in the Hall of the New Building of the Faculty of Agriculture
This activity, the Welcome Party for Ehime University Entourage and thanksgiving for the return of students of 2018 Unhas SUIJI Program Participants from Japan, namely two double agendas. The event took place in the hall of the new building of the Faculty of Agriculture.
The Welcome Party was attended by deputy dean I of the Faculty of Agriculture Dr. Muh Hatta Jamil M Si and Deputy Dean III Dr. Ir Novianty Eny Dungga. MP. Also present were the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Unhas, Prof. Dr. Buddy MEdmed PhD SpM (K) sitting side by side Deputy Dean I and chairman of the study program Agrotechnology Faculty of Agriculture and Chair of the Quality Assurance Group Prof. Dr. Ir Nurarianty Agus Ms.
There were two groups of participants from Ehime University accompanied by two sense teachers. This expedition from Japan will be held in two locations, namely Lakkang and Toraja. Then as many as 21 of these students will return to account for the results of their programs at the Faculty of Agriculture Unhas.
Six University Intiative Japan Indonesia Service Learning Program (SUIJI-SLP) 2018 was warmly welcomed by the dean and chairmen of the Agriculture Faculty study program. "Congratulations on returning to our students who have studied a lot in Japan like their culture. Welcome to the students of Ehime University". Replied WD III when he welcomed, Thursday (9/13).
During the event, one of the Participants of Suiji Unhas explained the profile of Hasanuddin University in front of Japanese students. The end of the event was filled with a documentary screening of Suiji Unhas 2018 participants for 3 weeks in Japan. *

Deans of Hasanuddin University harvested corn first at the Faculty of Agriculture at Teaching Farm, Friday (28/09). This corn was named Corn Unhas Satu which was cultivated by the Faculty of Agriculture's experimental farm. This corn has many benefits, one of which is antioxidant. In addition to the Maros District Cereal Toddler, this event was also attended by Unhas Rector, Prof. Dr. Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu, MA, the vice rectors, chair of LPPM, a number of faculty and postgraduate deans.


Ir. Yassin H.G, M.SAMA, one of the alumni of the Faculty of Agriculture and the founder of Unhas Corn breed. According to him, this purple corn seed has several advantages. In addition to containing high antioxidants, it also has a high amount of yield , and are cheaper than ordinary corn.


Yassin shared his experiences about doing several trials before finally producing the truth of the seeds up to 98%. "We are doing this crossing, namely cross breeding of two generations of seeds. This is the Unhas Corn I," Yassin said, Friday (09/28).

Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Baharuddin said purple corn seeds thanks to Yassin's commitment and hard work to cross purple corn plants to produce new varieties, namely Corn Unhas I.  Meanwhile Unhas rector, Prof. Dwia explain "I continue to encourage the birth of innovations like this. Since several years ago, Unhas continues to host the Food and Health Innovation Forum in collaboration with the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. 

Beda dari biasanya, kali ini aula gedung baru Fakultas Pertanian diisi welcome party internasional. Tampak duduk rapi mahasiswa Universitas Ehime Japan di gedung dekanat. Jajaran dekanat Fakultas Pertanian diwakili Wakil Dekan III, Noviyanti Eny Dungga mengatakan bersyukur dan gembira kedatangan mahasiswa Unhas sekaligus menyambut mahasiswa Japan. Acara ini berlangsung 13 September 2018 di Aula Gedung Baru Fakultas Pertanian 
Kegiatan ini, Welcome Party bagi Rombongan  Universitas Ehime dan syukuran atas kembalinya mahasiswa Peserta Program SUIJI Unhas 2018 dari Japan, yakni dua agenda ganda. Acaranya ini berlangsung di aula gedung baru Fakultas Pertanian. 
Welcome Party ini dihadiri oleh wakil dekan I Fakultas Pertanian Dr Muh Hatta Jamil M Si dan Wakil Dekan III Dr Ir Novianty Eny Dungga. MP. Hadir pula Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran Unhas , Prof dr Budu MEdmed PhD SpM(K) duduk berdampingan Wakil Dekan I dan ketua prodi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian serta Ketua Gugus Penjaminan Mutu Prof Dr Ir Nurarianty Agus Ms.
Ada dua kelompok peserta dari Universitas Ehime didampingi dua sense ( Dosen). Ekspedisi peserta dari Japan ini, akan dilakukan dua  lokasi, yaitu Lakkang dan Toraja . Kemudian sebanyak 21 mahasiswa ini akan kembali untuk mempertanggung jawabkan hasil programnya di Fakultas Pertanian Unhas.
Six University Intiative Japan Indonesia Service Learning Program (SUIJI-SLP) 2018  disambut hangat oleh jajaran dekanat dan ketua program studi Fakultas Pertanian. " Selamat kembali mahasiswa kami yang telah belajar banyak di Japan seperti budayanya. Selamat datang juga mahasiswa Universitas Ehime". Sahut WD III saat sambut, Kamis (13/9).
Sela acara, salah satu Peserta Suiji Unhas menjelaskan profil Universitas Hasanuddin dihadapan mahasiswa Japan. Akhir acara diisi penayangan film dokumenter peserta Suiji Unhas 2018 selama 3 pekan di Japan.*

Menteri Pertanian Andi Amran Sulaiman memberikan kuliah umum dihadapan 1000 Mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian dan Dosen Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar Kamis (15/2)

Dalam orasi yang bertemakan "Pembangunannya dan Kewirausahaan Pertanian" Amran menyampaikan, pertanian jaman now sangat menjanjikan karena kontribusinya terhadap pembangunan nasional mencapai 60 s/d 70 persen.

Selama tiga tahun ini Kementerian Pertanian telah membagikan 100 ribu alat mesin pertanian. Pertanian kini sudah menggunakan teknologi canggih" kata Amran.

Menteri yang juga tercatat sebagai Alumni Unhas tersebut, lebih lanjut mengatakan, "Kalau mau jadi konglomerat masuklah pertanian", seru Amran bersemangat.

Pada kesempatan tersebut Amran yang dari dulu mengaku sangat menyukai dunia pertanian mengungkapkan, "Kami sudah turun ke 300 kabupaten, kami melihat banyak persoalan yang harus segera diselesaikan" ujarnya 

Untuk itu Amran mengajak seluruh mahasiswa sebagai generasi muda penerus bangsa agar tetap disiplin dan terus belajar. Ia juga mengingatkan agar selalu waspada, hindari perasaan iri dan jangan anggap sebelah mata sebuah tantangan. 

Alumnus berprestasi dan terbaik dari Universitas Hasanuddin tersebut memaparkan capaian dan strategi pengelolaan pertanian jaman now, serta empat komoditas yang telah dianggap berhasil yakni beras, jagung, cabai dan bawang merah sekaligus pengambilan kebijakan dan keputusan yang tepat. 

Sebelumnya Dekan Fakultas Pertanian Prof. Sumbangan Baja menuturkan harapannya agar sosok seperti Menteri Amran yang juga sebagai alumni terbaik Unhas dapat selalu ikut membangun Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Hasanuddin.(*)



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