Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan

Food Science and Technology


Hasanuddin University


The Department of Food Science and Technology has facilities that provide staff and students the ability to support their academic activities daily basis. Each staff owns an office where they are able to consult students regarding lectures and/or research.

Other facilities are:

  • Fully air-conditioned rooms and internet access
  • Library/reading room
  • Praying room
  • Meeting room
  • Seminar room
  • Laboratories (4)

The Department of Food Science and Technology owns 4 laboratories that can be used by staff and students to provide researchers and students to practice and research. The buildings are well-equipped with a variety of analytical instrumentation, equipment, and research-scale pilot plant facilities for use in a wide range of applications.

  1. Microbiology and Biotechnology Laboratories
  2. Food Quality and Analysis Laboratories
  3. Food Processing Laboratories
  4. Product Development Laboratories

The Department of Food Science and Technology is housed on Hasanuddin University campus. Each student is able to use other provided facilities:

  1. Teaching Hospital
  2. Sport Facilities
  3. Food Court
  4. Student Accommodation
  5. Main Library
  6. Multipurpose Building
  7. Videoconference Room



Information Systems Seminar / Proposal Program study of Food Science and Technology

Files for Final Exam

Please download the file completeness final exam here (Prodi ITP)


Digital library is under construction


Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea, Jln Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10. Makassar 90245

T +62 (411) 588243
F +62 (411) 431081